Want to connect with other business owners to help you grow your business?

Joining a mastermind might just be the solution you need

Joining the right mastermind will accelerate your professional, and personal growth and development exponentially. The success I’ve personally experienced over the years came about because of the connections I made, and the support I received while in groups like this.

If you’re interested in joining a mastermind, or would like more information, keep reading.

(if you’re ready to apply to the mastermind right away, click here to fill out the survey)

What is a mastermind?

A group of people with various talents and skills, at similar levels in their business, that come together to create a “collaborative intelligence”. In other words, a group whose knowledge and problem-solving capability is much greater than the knowledge possessed by an individual group member.

What are the benefits to joining a mastermind? 

There are numerous benefits, too many to list. But here are some of them:

  • You get help and encouragement from a close group of peers that know firsthand what challenges you’re facing
  • The collective intelligence and creativity of a group is so much greater than that of an individual trying to figure everything out on his / her own
  • You are surrounded by people that want to see you succeed and will let you know how you are heading toward failure
  • You are more motivated to take action, leading to bigger steps toward your success because everyone acts as your accountability partner
  • You connect with amazing, like-minded people that you would not necessarily have found in your circle of family or friends
  • It’s meaningful to be a part of something bigger than yourself, and helps get you out of the cocoon of isolation while building your own thing
  • You receive many out-of-the-box ideas and perspectives because of the diverse backgrounds and personalities of the members
  • You get honest feedback and advice. Members don’t just pat you on the back and say “You can do it!” (though, that happens too)
  • You have access to the experience and lessons of other intelligent professionals who’ve “been there, done that”
  • You learn new things and walk away with new ideas for your business on a regular basis
  • You learn about tools and resources that you may never have known about
  • You have a safe place to vent about your bad days and share wins about the good ones with people you trust
  • It’s a place you call your own, a sacred space where you can be vulnerable without fear of being put down or criticized
  • The bonds formed in masterminds can and often do create lifetime friendships and a true sense of belonging
  • Bottom line, you get them and they get you, something hard to find these days

Is there a cost to join a mastermind? 

Both free and premium masterminds are available. The High Impact Elite Business Mastermind has a wait list. More information on both below.

Are there requirements to join either mastermind?  


  • Impact Tribe: 
    • Requires you already have a business of some sort
    • Has no income level requirements
    • Requires Facebook account
    • Is free
  • High Impact Elite Business Mastermind: 
    • Requires you have already been in business at least a year
    • Has minimum income level of $50,000 / yr but no more than $200,000 / yr (if you are looking for higher level, contact me for options)
    • Requires payment and commitment of 3 months
    • Requires you to have an online presence and want to grow your reach
    • Requires signing confidentiality / non-disclosure agreement
    • Requires attendance of weekly group calls
    • Requires Facebook account
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What is the difference between a premium and a free mastermind?

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Premium VS Free

High Impact Elite Business Mastermind

  • A private Facebook group for organizing and sharing thoughts and ideas
  • Group brainstorming calls 
  • Live “hot seat” sessions where one person receives the collective intelligence and feedback from the group regarding a business challenge they have
  • Expert guests we invite in to teach the group about specific business and / or life topics
  • Accountability. You may or may not meet your goals, but we’ll make sure to be there to encourage and support you either way.
  • Facilitation to keep things moving
  • Membership limited and screened for access to balance the group and benefit all members
  • More to come as the group evolves

Impact Tribe Mastermind

  • A private Facebook group for organizing and sharing thoughts and ideas
  • Self-regulated. This group will not have any facilitation, but will be moderated to keep it free of undesirable elements
  • Membership unlimited to anyone with a business

As you can see above, Impact Tribe is an un-facilitated Facebook group that allows you to connect with like-minded business owners, but will not offer the premium options you’ll find in the premium group.

The High Impact Elite Business Mastermind is where you can really level up and connect with people that all have “skin in the game” (one of my favorite phrases). In other words, there’s an entirely different level of commitment, dedication, and energy that comes with a paid mastermind that you can’t find in a free one.

Whether you are ready to invest in a premium mastermind or not, don’t think there is no value in the free group. When people of value connect with other people of value, the results are often magical.

Which one should you join?

This really depends on how fast you want to accelerate your business growth and how much you’re willing to invest in that growth. After being in several free masterminds over the years myself, I’ve found they do not have near the same cohesion or tightness as the paid ones do. The paid masterminds almost always seem to offer a lot more camaraderie, support, commitment and bonding because each member knows the other members are investing just as much as they are.

Not that all of those components require money to exist, but in my experience, a monetary investment in anything usually instills a sense of unwavering commitment to that investment. That doesn’t mean there isn’t value in Free! I love freebies! And there are times in my life where free was all I could afford.

That’s why there are two groups. It is up to you to decide which path is right for you at this time in your business and life.

Choose your mastermind

Click here to fill out the survey to request to join either or both masterminds.

The survey will ask you about you and your business, and will give you the option to select Impact Tribe or High Impact Elite.



Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I be in the Elite group even though my income is low right now?

A: Not at this time, however there may be different groups created for different income levels so fill out the survey above to make sure you get on the list!

Q: How did you come up with the pricing?

A: There are several factors that make up the price. They include:

  • How much of my time would be spent on facilitating / running the group.Facilitating a mastermind takes time and energy. Some of the time I could invest into coaching or creating other forms of revenue will be instead used to make the best experience possible for all members of the mastermind.
  • The costs involved to bring in experts to speak and teach the group new skills, strategies, and more.Often, the higher level the teacher, the more they charge for their services.
  • A comparison of other similar groups I’ve paid for in the past that provided value.The groups I’ve been a part of contained people that reached a particular level in their business and mindset. In a typical business mastermind, the price of membership usually equates to the level of success its members have reached. That’s not always true, because quite frankly some masterminds are awful, but it is what you’ll find on average.Some masterminds are run by people who don’t necessarily care about the group’s success, they care more about their profit. Those groups fall apart rather quickly when the members walk away confused and disappointed. I prefer to run a group where I, and everyone involved, is invested in the success of everyone else involved.

Q: Can you offer a year’s membership at a discounted rate?

A: It is something that may happen in the future. Right now, a 3-month commitment is a bit more digestible for many people.

Q: What is the financial commitment to join the High Impact Elite group?

A: The investment to join the next group starting in March of 2020 will be $680 for 3 months. This price is not per month, it covers the entire 3 months. Any member that joins at the current rate will be grandfathered in at the rate they paid as long as they keep their membership in good standing.

Q: I’m not ready to join now, can I join at a later date?

A: Yes. In fact, High Impact Elite has limited seating so fill out the survey so you can be put on the waiting list. You can however join the free Impact Tribe at any time.

Q: I have a local business / I don’t do too much online. Would this kind of mastermind be helpful for me?

A: The free group might be helpful as it caters to all kinds of business owners. High Impact Elite however requires an online presence and desire for a greater online reach of some sort, even if you own a local business.

Q: What sort of time commitments and frequency will there be for premium group?

A: Likely, a weekly call to make sure everyone in the group gets the time and attention they deserve. The goal is to make sure everyone gets a chance to share their challenges and ask questions. But more than that, to actually implement what’s been discussed. 

Expect to see daily activity of some sort in the Facebook group. That doesn’t mean you have to post something every day, it just means there’ll probably be lots of discussion. I want the group to feel the support and a bit of accountability so that they are compelled to follow through with their intentions from previous weeks.

If you have any further questions, let me know. I’ll be happy to address anything you’d like.